Tuesday, January 11, 2011

-7, Brrrrrrrrr

Ok, now I do enjoy cold weather, but.....this morning it was -7 degrees outside!!!  A bit on the chilly side!  Finally warming up to a nice 25 degrees and sunny :)  I have decided to start posting our CrossFIT workouts as a way to stay motivated.

Here is today's WOD (Workout of the Day)

Death by Dumbells
3 Rounds (#20 dumbells; hoping to be at #30 next time!)

21 Deadlifts
15 Squat Cleans
9 Push Jerks

If you are wondering what in the world I am talking about, here is a video of the WOD...brutal


Sunday, January 9, 2011

28 to Life

Winter is finally here!!! Has been around 17 all day and snowing like mad :)
The cold weather is a welcome change!

Today's WOD:

28 to Life

400 M Sprint

28 reps of the followig:

Front Squats (#135, #85)
Ball Slams (#10)
Roman Abs (#6)
Pistols or 3x Squats
Double Unders or 3x Singles
Box Jumps (24", 20")

400 M Sprint

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Saturday WOD

Had plans to ski this am but didn't hit the road early enough and traffic was wicked.  So we substituted this WOD for our exercise today.

3 Rounds - 1 minute each station; 1 minute rest b/t rounds

Deadlifts (#25, #35)
Ball Squats
KB Swings (#25)
Tire Jumps
Ball Slams (#10)
Hill Sprints

Whew!!!  Now time to relax and watch a movie :)

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Costa Rica Countdown

Countdown to Costa Rica - 50 Dias!!!!

Only 50 days until we will be surfing and SUPing in CR!  Stoked!!  Trying out two new towns this year, Jaco and Mal Pais.  Cannot wait to see how these towns differ from the others we have been to over the years.  Here are some pics from our previous adventures......

Nosara, Cheers!

Mal Pais

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year 2011!!!!!

Had a wonderful New Years spent with friends!!!  I cannot believe it is 2011, how time flies.  New Years Resolutions in place and ready to go!  Mine is to eliminate artificial sweeteners from my diet.  Murff's is to ixnay the TV for 6 months (movies only).  Here's to the best year of our lives!  Cheers!