Saturday, August 6, 2011


So I know I haven't written anything in quite a while.  After Lodi's surgery we were driving back and forth at lunch to let him out for a month which was 4 hours in the car every day (seeing as we are an hour away from Denver).  While we absolutely love living in the mountains, the commute has been getting to us lately.  After a lot of thought we decided to put our house on the market.  It was a very tough decision as we have put so much love and work into this home.  It is the first place outside of the house I grew up in that I feel at home.  So, we'll see what happens.  I know the market isn't great right now so if our house sells great and if it doesn't I won't be upset either.  Whatever is meant to be will be.

If we do end up moving we are looking towards the Golden area since that would cut our commute in half (especially in the Winter time) and we would be only about 15 minutes from Evergreen.   

If you would like to see pics of our home before it sells check out the virtual tour:

Murff is actually scouting this weekend for elk and deer.  I am hoping this will be his year to shoot something!  Thank goodness for the SPOT.  It tracks his location by GPS and gives me peace of mind when he is out in the wilderness alone.