Monday, February 20, 2012


So we have been renting in Evergreen for several months now and looking at houses here and there as they come on the market.  We sold our house rather quickly and ended up renting in North Evergreen which has cut our commute in half!!  Yesterday Murff and I looked at a house that has been on the market 5 days, fell in love and made an offer.  Waiting on the final signature today and we are under contract (keeping fingers crossed).  We are so excited we found a fantastic deal in Central Evergreen within a minute of Evergreen Lake :)

Our lease isn't up until July so we will have plenty of time to paint, renovate etc before we move in.

Pictures to come one deal is final....

Saturday, August 6, 2011


So I know I haven't written anything in quite a while.  After Lodi's surgery we were driving back and forth at lunch to let him out for a month which was 4 hours in the car every day (seeing as we are an hour away from Denver).  While we absolutely love living in the mountains, the commute has been getting to us lately.  After a lot of thought we decided to put our house on the market.  It was a very tough decision as we have put so much love and work into this home.  It is the first place outside of the house I grew up in that I feel at home.  So, we'll see what happens.  I know the market isn't great right now so if our house sells great and if it doesn't I won't be upset either.  Whatever is meant to be will be.

If we do end up moving we are looking towards the Golden area since that would cut our commute in half (especially in the Winter time) and we would be only about 15 minutes from Evergreen.   

If you would like to see pics of our home before it sells check out the virtual tour:

Murff is actually scouting this weekend for elk and deer.  I am hoping this will be his year to shoot something!  Thank goodness for the SPOT.  It tracks his location by GPS and gives me peace of mind when he is out in the wilderness alone.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

The Hangover

Not the movie, today's WOD, kicked my little hiney!!

3 rounds: 1 minute at each station.  1 minute rest between rounds.

Pull ups
Dead lifts
Push ups
Ring Dips
Abmat Sit ups

Poor Puppy

Lodi got injured this past weekend and we took him to the vet.  Long story short, the little guy had an old injury we never knew about and only found out because his hip came out of socket and he had to undergo surgery.  A chip of his bone broke off and he has been dealing with it all these years showing no pain.  Good thing in the long run as now the little guy should be pain free once he heals and will be good as new in 3-4 months.  Physical therapy started yesterday and will last two months.  He is doing great!!

Lodi glad to be home :)

25-30 staples later :(

Sleepy Puppy

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Wind Wind Go Away

Wow, the wind here has been brutal for 3 weeks now!  The weather has been typically Spring, snow one day, sunny and warm the next but the wind has been consistent.  I am hoping it will go away this week :)

On another note, we have been in the process of getting new bedroom furniture the past few weeks.  Work is still in progress but here are a few pics of what we have done so far.  Will post pics when we are completely done.  We also parted ways with our old TV, you know the ones that are 2 ft deep and weigh a ton that aren't in production anymore?  Yea, that kind.  Still works like a charm but doesn't work with new TV stand (or isn't aesthetically pleasing anyway).  Funny, went to Best Buy and I had no idea what LCD, LED, plasma or any of that stuff is or means, ha ha!

Looking forward to May, travelling to San Antonio for mother/daughter weekend and get to see my parents' new house in Kerrville!!!  I am so excited and can't wait for some Texas heat either.  They have done so much work since buying the place, looks amazing!!! 

My little niece just turned 4 Friday, wow I cannot believe how time flies!!!  Wish I could have been there for her birthday party, maybe next year :)

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Pura Vida

We had an absolutely amazing time in Costa Rica!  We SUP'd, surfed, ran on the beach and relaxed, just what we needed.  The weather was perfect and the humidity was a nice welcome from the dry air of the mountains in Colorado.  It was easy to stay paleo as we ate fresh seafood everyday, yum!!! 

Starting to plan our next trip back, perhaps for our 7 year anniversary??  Absolutely loved the two new towns we visited and driving is always an adventure in Central America.  Can't wait to continue exploring and one day, if we win the lotto perhaps make it permanent, ha ha!!    Took a ferry from one peninsula to another side for the first time also, that was a blast (see Cubra Libra). 

Decided to splurge and change plans at the last town we visited and stayed at Florblana, words can't describe how beautiful and peaceful this place was!  Check it out below...

Here are some pics from our trip...

 Happy 33rd Bday to me!

View from restaurant - Pool with view to the Pacific, sigh

Pura Vida!

On boat taxi - wish I could find these in the states!

Beautiful flowers

What good balance!

Room at Florblanca :)


Pool at Florblanca

Murff driving in CR