Sunday, April 17, 2011

Wind Wind Go Away

Wow, the wind here has been brutal for 3 weeks now!  The weather has been typically Spring, snow one day, sunny and warm the next but the wind has been consistent.  I am hoping it will go away this week :)

On another note, we have been in the process of getting new bedroom furniture the past few weeks.  Work is still in progress but here are a few pics of what we have done so far.  Will post pics when we are completely done.  We also parted ways with our old TV, you know the ones that are 2 ft deep and weigh a ton that aren't in production anymore?  Yea, that kind.  Still works like a charm but doesn't work with new TV stand (or isn't aesthetically pleasing anyway).  Funny, went to Best Buy and I had no idea what LCD, LED, plasma or any of that stuff is or means, ha ha!

Looking forward to May, travelling to San Antonio for mother/daughter weekend and get to see my parents' new house in Kerrville!!!  I am so excited and can't wait for some Texas heat either.  They have done so much work since buying the place, looks amazing!!! 

My little niece just turned 4 Friday, wow I cannot believe how time flies!!!  Wish I could have been there for her birthday party, maybe next year :)

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