Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Did I Say -7 Was Cold?

So.....can I take that back?  Let me rephrase; -21 is cold!!!!  It was a bone-chilling -21 this morning.  Absolutely miserable.  Coldest day since Murff and I moved here over 4 years ago!!!  I actually had to stay home from work because it was too cold to leave the dogs out and we live too far away from work to leave them inside all day (13+) hours.  I was hoping the car wouldn't start so we could both stay home, but what can you expect with a new Subaru LOL  Anyhoo, a day at home with the pups, can't complain :)

Today's WOD: "Angie"
For Time: 21:22
100 Pullups (modified to jumping)
100 Pushups (all real pushups!!!!)
100 Situps (modified to crunches)
100 Squats

Let me just say....ouch!

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